Brittney Timberlake

Brittney Timberlake


I created this site with the hopes of joining together alongside those around me with the same vision- Let Christ shine in all that we do. I realize that we are all on the mission field regardless of location. Many are called but few are chosen. I invite you to join me in the chosen category as we, together, share the love of God to every person on Earth. On this site you will get to see a first hand look into what God is doing through our partnership to change the world around us.

My Mission Statement:

"I will be a leader with integrity and humility who calls out greatness in everyone around me. I will see each person as valuable in their own unique way as a child of God who deserves to know the gift He has freely given each of us. I am here to serve and love unconditionally and to represent my Savior in everything I say and do."