Hi all! As you can guess a lot has happened since the last time I wrote! Thank you for taking the time to read about all of the great things God did!
After we left Barquisimeto we went to Higuerote, the beach. We were warned before we left that this town is full of witchcraft, so we prayed for God to protect us mentally, physically, and spiritually and He did. We were able to go and spread God's love with the people without worrying about something bad happening to us. One of my highlights of outreach actually happened while we were in Higuerote. We were in a poor area doing door to door ministry and we were supposed to be doing it for two hours. After a few houses it had been about an hour and a half and I was exhausted, hot, and thirsty, but there were still more houses to visit. My group made the decision to go to the next house. I honestly wasn't thrilled about this decision but went anyways. Boy am I glad I did though. In the house, there were two girls who were 19 and their two kids who looked to be about a year old. Within 5 minutes of us talking with them one of the girls said she wanted to accept Christ! She had never heard about Him before, but she knew it was something she wanted to know more about! We prayed with her and she accepted Him. We gave her information about the church and how to get connected. When we said our goodbyes we had 9 minutes left until we had to be back to meet everyone. There was one more house to go to. I was excited but I was still tired, hot, and thirsty. I really just wanted to go back. Our group decided again that we should spend these last 9 minutes sharing God. I agreed and we went to the next house. This household was Christian and they were all so excited about what we were doing. They sat us down by the fans, gave us food, and went to get us coke. It was amazing how all they wanted to do was serve us. We had to tell them to slow down and let us pray for them and bless them!! I was blessed so much that day. I didn't have the greatest attitude but God still took care of me and provided for me. It was absolutely amazing!
Our next town was El Hatillo. When our van pulled up to the church a welcoming committee came and greeted us! It was so cool and meant so much to us! This was our last stop before debrief week and it was such a blessing. We were able to stay with church families and meet some amazing people. It rained the first couple of days so we spent time cleaning the church. When the rain stopped we went out and painted over all the graffiti that covered the walls on the streets. Such a simple task but it blessed the town so much. People were calling the church thanking us. Supplies were donated by a few of the businesses we were painting outside of. The people were amazed that God called us from our countries to come to Venezuela to serve them. It was so much fun sharing His love with them. We came to bless the church but the church ended up blessing us. It was a great end to the ministry portion of outreach!
This whole experience was so amazing. God truly made Himself known during this time. None of it would have been possible without your continual prayers and support. Thank you so much!
My prayer requests are that you join with me in praying for God to solidify everything He did through us. That the people who accepted Him will continue following and seeking Him, and the seeds that we planted that someone will come and harvest them!
I have made it back safely and am so glad to be back with my family and friends, but I have been given the opportunity to return to Belize and be a leader in the next school. I have prayed about it and really feel that God is calling me back there. I would like for you to be praying with me that the details start falling into place. I will give more information when I know more! As always I would love to be praying for you! If you have any requests please don't hesitate to contact me! Thank you again for everything you have and are doing for me. I am so glad God has blessed me with you all!!
Ps: check back within a few days and I will have pictures of the whole experience posted!