The September DTS is in full swing, in fact we are now headed into week three, which I can't believe! Time passes by so quickly here! Over these past two weeks I have had the honor of meeting and getting to know 30 new students who are on fire and longing to go deeper and more intimate with God. The exciting part is it has just begun! Out of the 30, I have the privilege of being a small group leader for 7 amazing women of God who are representing four countries, Canada, America, Sweden, and Austria! This past week we started our official one on one times and we had our first official small group meeting. Every time I get to talk to any of these ladies I get super stoked for what God has done, is doing, and will do in each of their lives during their time here at DP as well as through the rest of their lives! Friday we went and watched the sunset together. I felt like God was saying we all just needed to be reminded of how awesome He is and that He has the sun rise and set just for us :) Check out some pics!
We are in this together!
So as you can tell God has been rocking our world. The students arrived on September 30 and will be headed out around Christmas time to take the Truth to Guatemala, Singapore, and Peru for their outreach phase. God still has a ton of things He wants to show them here and now first though! For our first week of lectures Josh and Israel, our two DTS staff guys, brought some truth to us. We discussed topics like the loss of salvation, infallible versus fallible truth, living a holy life without sin, and many other things. Needless to say our worlds got rocked and it was so awesome hearing from them!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Because of you lives are being changed and young people all over the world are getting the freedom and growing in intimacy with God which are things He longs for us to grasp a hold of! I know that I could not be here if it weren't for the amazing supporters like you and I am truly grateful for that!
1 Peter 1:16