Well it was that time again, time to say those hard tearful goodbyes. No words can describe the amount of emotions my heart always feels at the end of a school. As we stood on the dock saying, painful yet full of excitement for the next chapter in each other's lives, goodbyes I was so overwhelmed by the amount of love and growth each student and staff had. This experience never gets easier, in some cases it almost gets harder, but it's totally worth it. It's worth every tear, every hour of missed sleep, every minute of hard conversations, every heart wrenching see ya later. To see them leave this dock with confidence and an understanding of how much their Creator loves them is worth all of the hard times. The joy and love in every good moment most certainly outweighs everything. As you know this school I get the honor of assistant leading an outreach team to Guyana and French Guiana. So I only had to say see ya laters to 12 students and 2 fellow staff members, I will be going with a team of 10 students and our leader Becky. Both teams are going to do amazing things! If you could keep us in your prayers that would be awesome. Both of us have a couple of days traveling and then we hit the ground running with ministry. Please pray for energy, strength, and protection for both teams. Thank you for continuing to walk with me during this time!
Here are some pictures from our DTS graduation!
staff girls
small group girls
January 2014 staff
January 2014 DTS
Next step in the journey!