Hi all! I apologize for not posting last week, it was crazy busy and I figured I would mesh everything in this week! So, thank you for reading!
Last Friday we moved my little sister into college. She's attending UNCC and living on campus. She had a scheduled move in time of 6 P.M. Being the punctual family we are, we arrived at 6 o'clock on the dot only to find out an hour and a half later they were two hours behind schedule, go figure! After being directed through the ginormous UNCC parking lot for about four hours we were finally able to move her in. It was definitely an epic ordeal, but her room ended up looking fabulous and she really seems to be enjoying living on campus (although it has only been a week!) I would like to ask all of you to keep her in your prayers as she is adjusting to college and dorm life!
Well, this week I have been getting the last few things together, dealing with our insurance company, and working out finances. Good news for all three. After lots of shopping trips, I have almost everything I need to go with a few exceptions. After numerous calls to insurance, talking with a billion different people, put on hold for what seemed like hours, and transferred to about a hundred different departments, I was able to get my malaria medicine covered by insurance praise Jesus! Let me just say I never knew so much work had to be put in just to get a simple medication. It amazed me how rude customer service was and how out of the loop all of them were. But, nonetheless, I accomplished what I set out to do. I have been praying for patience, so I guess this was God's way of improving my patience skills haha!
Now, onto the amazingly exciting part! I have raised all of my $8,000!!!! How great is that!! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. No words can describe how unbelievably grateful I am that God has blessed me with such an amazing support group as you all!! I hope you will continue to stick by me through this whole experience because I know I can't do it with out you all!
With just 10 days left I ask that you will be praying for not only me, but for my family as well. Please pray that God eases our minds and puts His comfort around all of us.
Thank you so much again for all you have done! This is my next to last post from the states and then I will be updating you from Belize! Crazy to think about! I hope that you have an awesome weekend. If you need anything don't hesitate to contact me!
Joshua 1:9