Brittney Timberlake

Brittney Timberlake

Friday, August 10, 2012

Family, friends, and good times ahead!

Hi all! Thank you for reading!
This week has been great. God brought in approximately $400; it's awesome isn't it?! Now I have just under $1,000 to go!! I am very excited about all He is doing. On Monday night this week Kelly Vanderburg, a friend of ours and a Thirty-one consultant, graciously offered to hold a party and donate all the proceeds to my trip! I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to her and to everyone who bought something. I truly appreciate all of your support. I have now completed all of my appointments, paper work, and have just a few small items left to get. So, with just three weeks left until I leave, I have switched gears from getting things together to devoting time with family and friends. Wednesday, we got a group of family members together and headed to Gary's BBQ for dinner. Thursday, I was given the opportunity to go see Rascal Flatts, one of my favorite country groups, with my cousin and friend. (We had a blast!) And today I get to go see the USSSA Pride, a pro fast-pitch softball team with all my favorite players, play in Kannapolis with my mom and dad! All of this family time has made me realize just how much I am going to miss them. But, one thing came to mind. A few weeks ago I met with a guy who did YWAM in Australia. I asked him how he handled being away from the people he loved and he said you're not losing family members but gaining them. Kind of nerve racking and definitely exciting! The scariest thing to think about is going down there not knowing anybody that is going. Sometimes I think, am I crazy? Who goes to a foreign country to live with people they've never met? Only every person who has ever done YWAM haha. It is part of the thrill I think. I know I will at least have one Friend that will be with me always. It says so in John 15:14, "You are my friends if you do what I command." He is all I need to calm my nerves. This week, I ask that you pray for everyone who will be involved in my DTS. That we will gel quickly and that we become a family. Thank you all so much for your continuing support! Only 23 days left!!!

2 Corinthians 9:10