Brittney Timberlake

Brittney Timberlake

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm in Belize!!!

Hola from Belize, (even though they don't speak Spanish here they speak Creole, but I don't know how to say hello in Creole so Spanish is close enough haha!) Thank you all so much for being such a great support group! The first night here was pretty rough. It is hot, we have no A/C, there are bugs everywhere, and I'm away from home, but when I woke up the next morning it was like a peace was over me. The sun comes up at 5:30am here, I walked out of my casita and was immediately greeted with smiles. The atmosphere here is amazing!! I have met and become close with everyone here. It's nice to be here with people who are in the same boat as me. The staff here are truly amazing too. They really want to help us and they are so fun to be around. I can already tell this is going to be the experience of my life. God has already doing some absolutely amazing things with this group. Thank you all so much for your help in getting me here!
Now, on to the details. I got a pink casita (small house in Spanish) overlooking the garden area. I am rooming with three other girls, two Canadians, and a Wisconsin native. All three are amazing. I love the atmosphere here. We are all coming from different parts of the world and different backgrounds. All the different cultures coming together and uniting under one common goal, to know God and make Him known, is a feeling words in a blog can't even begin to describe. Last night we sat in the sand room, or common area, and gave our testimonies. We weren't given any heads up or anything. We were just told to meet there and they said we are all going to go around the room and give our testimonies, ready go. We have 34 people in this school, and even though they gave us a time limit of 10 minutes we were still there for six hours sharing. It didn't feel that long though. It was great hearing people's stories. It made me realize hey theses are people and they've been through rough situations too. It helped me get a better understanding of why God has brought us all here and it made me have a more secure feeling that these people are my family for now and I really can trust them with everything, which it's nice to have that feeling in a foreign country by yourself. Back to the basics, it's about 110 degrees here with a good constant breeze. I'm constantly sweating. The ants are bad and so far I've found a lizard and a scorpion in my room. Other than that though, this truly is paradise and I'm so fortunate to be here and experience this!
I am going to try and limit my computer use even more than I am already because I honestly want to get everything I can out of this and not have any distractions. I will be updating my blog on Saturdays most likely because that's when our free time is. I might do a sporadic one during the week if something really powerful happens, but we will see. If you have any specific questions I would love to answer them!! Just shoot me a quick email or facebook message! Thank you again for all of your prayers and encouragement!! Know that that is constantly on my mind and even though I may not be updating you on everything I'm writing it down, so I can definitely tell you when I get back!!! Love you all so much!!


Jeremiah 33:3