Brittney Timberlake

Brittney Timberlake

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ministry Week

Hey!! I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
It has been another amazing week here in Belize. We have been doing ministry week this week. Tuesday we went to the high school in San Pedro. It was definitely an eye opening experience. It made me realize just how fortunate we are in the states to have the school buildings we do. The kids were so grateful and nice. They really wanted to be there learning. My group went to three different classes. In each class one of us gave our testimony, we played a game, and then spoke on unity. After the classes were done we were able to hang out and get to know the kids better which was an awesome experience. Tuesday night we had prayer and intercession for outreach fees because they were due on the 12. When we came into the sand room to meet there was a board up front with all the money still owed and each person's name who still owed. It started out at $53,000 total needed for everyone to be able to leave for outreach. They said if you have all your outreach fees and you have extra money we want you to prayerfully consider donating it to someone who still doesn't have enough. Money literally came pouring in. I was in complete awe of the way God was moving. By the end it had dropped to $18,000. Personally, before that night I had thought I had raised all my fees and I would be good to go. Then before I walked I got an email from one of my supporters saying they would try to put the rest of the money in my account, but didn't know if they would be able to. I'm not going to lie I started panicking a little bit because I had all of my hopes in that and I didn't know what I was going to do to raise the last little bit. When we got in the room and I saw my name and gave what I had in my bank account I was only left with needing $250. I told God I trusted Him and I knew He would provide because He wouldn't bring me this far just to leave me hanging. When I heard one of the leaders shout from the back of the room you can take Brittney's name off the board I was so overwhelmed. No words I write will ever be enough to say how thankful I am for everyone in my life who is supporting me, not just financially but prayerfully too. Thank you all so much!!
Wednesday we blessed the community by picking up trash along the beach. While we were doing this a monsoon came and cooled us off! It's been so neat here seeing the rain storms. They're very random. Thursday we did a scavenger hunt in town which was really fun. We gave out two Bible and were able to pray with some men. A few of the people we met actually came to community which was neat. Edwin, one of the men we had prayed with earlier that day, said he was going to keep coming because he wanted to learn more about God. Friday night we were given the opportunity to go to different church's youth groups and talk with the kids. In our group we played games, I gave my testimony, Kierra spoke, we had a time of worship and prayer, then had more prayer and games. It was another great experience. In about an hour and a half we are loading up the boats and heading to town to host a soccer tournament for the kids. Yes, I signed up to play!  Please be keeping us all in your prayers!! I'm very excited to see what God has in store for the rest of my time here. He has already done some amazing things and I know He has even better things to come. Thank you all so much again for everything you are doing. It truly means a lot to me. I love you all!!

Philippians 2:3-5

Ps: If you have given money to me online could you shoot me a quick email and let me know? I'm not able to see who actually donated, but I want to thank you for your support!!!