Hi all, thank you for taking time to read! Sorry about last week, it was really busy here. God is doing some absolutely amazing things and I cannot wait to share with you!!
Last week, the leaders spoke during lectures. We learned about the characteristics of God, how to hear God's voice, prayer, and unity. I can't say enough how blessed we are to have the awesome staff that we do. I truly am thankful for them.
Last week I got moved from sea grass duty to palapa girl. I was pretty stoked about that. Now, instead of shoveling grass in the morning, I'm working the snack bar a few days a week. No complaints here!! On the last day of my sea grass duty, me and Jeanette, my partner, were able to minister to a fellow riding by on a bike! It was so cool. We have a bike path that runs through our base, so people are constantly riding by. He stopped and asked us what we were doing. We told him this is a school and we are learning how to be missionaries. He then asked more about God and said he wanted to know more so he could tell his kids. We told him how easy it was to be saved and how God is always there when we need Him. When we were done he let us pray for him. I'm not going to lie I was pretty nervous haha! I had never really done anything like that before. I have seen him a couple of times since then and have invited him to bring his family to community night here. Please pray God works in his heart and nudges him to come by. Last week we also celebrated some birthdays. We had a pirate themed party which would explain my facebook photos. It was a lot of fun and a nice break from school work. On Sunday I was able to share in the joy of Nicolina, Jakob, and Heather's (all from Europe) first taste of Toll house cookie dough!! (It's the little things in life haha) I had been craving it for a long time. There we were rumors going around that Super Buy, a local grocery store in town, had some. So, with no expectations of finding any, I went in. Wouldn't ya know God is great. Not only was there cookie dough, but there were lots of pies and cakes too. The only thing is it cost $15.50 Belize which is about $8 American. It won't be an every week thing for sure, but it was just the right time to buy it. We have had the pleasure of writing forgiveness letters all week and I'm pretty sure God wanted me to relieve some stress by eating cookie dough! Anyways, Nicolina, Jakob, and Heather all loved it and I'm sure they're going to be addicted. Now to an even more amazing miracle story. The second week we were here some people broke into a casita in the pool area. They stole a bag which contained cameras, money, check cards, personal items, and the girl's passport. Remember, we are in a third world country too, so as you can imagine the police force isn't the best. For about four weeks the staff has been working with them trying to file police reports and all that jazz. To say it has been a stressful process for them would probably be an understatement. They were going to have to jump through all sorts of hoops and what nots to get her a new passport because she's not from here. This girl has been so strong through the whole process. I don't think I ever saw her break down. Well, Thursday of this week a lady brings her passport back. She had found it in an abandoned building in a bag. Luckily there were some YWAM coastal passes in with her wallet, so the lady was able to figure out where it came from! It was the best, most coolest thing ever!!! I'm still speechless; God is so good! Like I said, some amazing things are happening here!
Ok, so outreach funds update. I am still about $400 short, but I know God will provide. Please keep me and my DTS family in your prayers that God will provide the money this week because it's all due October 12th. Thank you so much for your continuing support and prayers. It means more to me than words can write! Love you all!
2 Corinthians 9:10