Hi everyone! Thanks for reading this week; sorry about missing last week things have been crazy here!
This week starts week ten. I'm excited, but at the same time it's sad because it means we only have three more weeks here. Lots of amazing things have continued to happen here! Two weeks ago I told you about a prayer walk we were going to do in San Mateo. As soon as we walked into the town this little boy came running up to me and jumped in my arms. I had never met him before. Then a bunch of kids ranging in age from 2-13 came running out of this house and wanted to play with us. So we walked around with them and let them show us the town. It went absolutely amazing. We were really able to establish some relationships through these kids. We made some encouragement cards to hand out to the people we felt led to give them to. I gave one of mine to this little girl that was walking around with us. It said you're beautiful. She asked me how I wrote it so fast. I told her I wrote it before I came and that God was telling me to tell you you're beautiful. Seeing her eyes light up when I told her that was amazing. She then told me it was her aunt's birthday so me and my team went and sang happy birthday to her and I was able to give her the one that said I hope you have an amazing day! Her eyes lit up too! Last Saturday I went back, and again as soon as I walked up to the house Tito, the little boy from last time, came running out and jumped into my arms. It literally melts my heart every time he does this! I met their mom Sandra who is from Honduras. We talked for a while and really connected. I helped her with her English homework, she's taking classes in town, and she helped me learn Spanish, I pretty much massacred the language. I guess three years of it in high school didn't help much! I had a great time! We played soccer, red rover, and some other games I had no clue about, but I just went with it and had fun with them. Then we sat around and talked and told stories. It was so much fun. I plan on going again next weekend. If you could join in praying for them with me I would love that. I think the little girl knows God, but I am not sure about the rest of the family.
I am so thankful to be here. Thank you all so much for your continuing prayers and support. I know I wouldn't be here with out you, so really from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3
If I could join with me in praying for a few things that would be awesome! First, the wind. I know this sounds crazy, but are getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and no-see-ems here. We need the wind to pick up and come from the northeast to get rid of them! Second, as the lecture phase is winding down, so are we. Please pray God gives us the energy and strength to finish strong and carry that energy and strength over into outreach. Third, we all have some tough decisions to make about what to do after outreach. If you could just ask God to give us clear guidance and direction that would be awesome! And last, if you could join with me in praying for our staff here I would greatly appreciate it and I know they would too. They have done so much for me and my brothers and sisters here. Join with me in asking God to bless them for their commitment and dedication to seeing each of us gain freedom and that He would meet any needs they may have. Thank you so much for praying with me! I also want to extend the invitation of joining with you in any prayer request you may have. Feel free to contact me and let me know! I would love to be praying with you! Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Let's join together and kick some satan butt! Have a great weekend!
Matthew 18:20