Hi, I hope everything is going well for you. Thank you so
much for taking the time to read this post!
So, I am currently in Belize and I have been since February 28th, God is good! You may or may not know this, but I did my Disciple Training School, DTS, here at YWAM DP in September 2012. I am now back on staff and I am so honoured and thrilled about this opportunity! I know there is no way this would have happened if I did not I have the support team that I am blessed with. Thank you so much for all you do.
Everything sort of happened like a whirlwind in the days leading up to February 28th. My plan was to be back by this date knowing that if it didn't happen it would be ok. There were, however, a couple of problems. One, I didn't have any money. Two, I was in debt from student loans. Long story short God took care of both of these things. A couple of weeks after returning home from my outreach to Venezuela I met with Pastor Jay, my pastor at The Refuge where I attend church, and told him my heart and what I felt like God was calling me to do. It was such a great talk. He told me he supported me and wanted to give me a weekend in the church to tell them about what was on my heart. At this point due to some circumstances involving my car and the check engine light, I knew that if I made it back by February 28th it would be because of God and absolutely nothing I did. In fact, He gently reminded of that throughout the whole process of raising support. Anyways, a week before I was supposed to leave, God brought in the money I needed to come back, I sold my car to pay off my student loans, and bought my plane ticket. Yeah, crazy right? It was undeniably a God thing!
Arriving on base this time was a lot different than when I arrived back in September as a new student. When coastal (the water taxi we use to get around here) pulled up to our dock to drop me off I was so nervous and excited I was shaking! Lots of new people were on the dock that last time I was on, I was saying tearful goodbyes. This time I was saying shaky, nervous hellos, and I wasn't sure how to react. I thought I was playing it cool until I stepped on one of my friends toes when I went to hug her after not seeing her for 3 months, great reunion...haha! The first couple of days here were super awkward because there were new people in the place I called home for 3 months. I kept expecting to turn the corner and see a familiar face from my school but it would be someone I didn't know who now calls this place home as well. Once I finally got past all of the awkwardness and realized how glad I am that these new students have been given the opportunity to live here and call this home things have been great. I have only known them a couple of weeks, but all of them hold a special place in my heart. They are all so amazing. I came in at the grunt end of a rough patch in the school, yet they were all so welcoming and friendly.
To say it has been very smooth being back would be fibbing. It's been hard. We have dealt with two students being sent home for some bad choices they made and a staff member who chose to leave. It was definitely hard for everyone, but these students here have such a great heart for God that they have actively chosen to keep seeking after freedom and not let the enemy gain anymore ground. They have about a week left until they leave for outreach. One team is going to the Solomon Islands and the other is headed to Costa Rica. God is going to do amazing things through both of these teams. If you could keep them in your prayers as plans are being set and goodbyes are being said that would be greatly appreciated.
As for my role now, until the April school starts, I'm just helping out where needed. I get the opportunity to have some great God time and really soak up all He has to offer before we kick it into gear these next couple of months. It's going to be an exciting ride. As you have read, there is never a dull moment here! Thank you again for all you are doing and your continual prayers and support. I wouldn't be here without you!
Psalm 55:22