Time has really been flying by here. We are entering week 9 of lecture phase, crazy! God has been doing some amazing things here during these past weeks.
We have been doing ministry here for the past two weekends which has been an awesome time of sharing God's love with the people of San Pedro. A couple of weekends ago we took a group to San Mateo, a really poor community here, to play with the kids. During ministry week we did a similar thing where we went into the neighborhood and invited kids to come to the park with us where we did face painting, soccer, balloon animals, and basketball. A lot of the kid's parents wouldn't let them come with us though. As I was praying about what ministry to do, I felt like God was saying go back, but this time stay in their area and play with them there.So that's what we did. Within about ten minutes of us being there about 15 kids had joined us. There's not really a solid area to play in San Mateo. The streets are rocky and there is trash everywhere. During my school I had made some really good friends with a family who lives in this area. When they saw all of the kids and us they invited us to come play in their yard. Even more kids showed up! Altogether we had a bout 20 kids running around, throwing balls and frisbees, playing with our Iphones, jumping rope, playing ninja, and having a great time! Laughter and joy filled the air!
Time to leave and the kids wouldn't let go!
Last weekend we worked with a local church, Sagebrush, helping host their grand opening event. It was a hot day that started early, but it was also a lot of fun! I bet a couple hundred kids came out to enjoy the face painting, balloon animals, bungee jumping, and banana boat rides! God provided another opportunity to show His love to the kids by us playing with them and His love to the church by us serving them! The church nearly doubled in size in Sunday after this event on Saturday!! So cool to see how God works!
Being the ministry coordinator has been a lot of fun! God has really opened doors I never knew existed and has formed some lifelong friendships!
Thank you again for all your prayers and support. I know I say it all the time, but I would not be here if it weren't for you. YOU are making a difference in these lives!!