Brittney Timberlake

Brittney Timberlake

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ministry Week

Wow where to begin! So many exciting things are happening here at YWAM DP! I will try to keep this short, but I probably wont be successful!

Now onto the news I know you have all been waiting for! My biggest role here on base right now, Ministry Coordinator. I wanted to be careful about the information I made publicly to make sure students are focusing on the current happenings and not missing out on things. Now that ministry week has come to an end, I can share all the exciting things God did!!
I was given the awesome opportunity of leading 6 wonderful students last week, showing them what ministry is about and different ways ministry can be done. Most importantly we followed the Spirit’s guidance all week.

Sunday we enjoyed a time of worship and fellowship while learning about things we would be doing during ministry and learning how to be successful during ministry. We have a strong focus on building relationships here as this is a very important aspect of long term ministry work. We learned not to be task focused, but to be relationship focused. The people and their hearts are what matter.

 After chatting with God about what this week would look like I felt He wanted us to start and end every day in prayer and thanksgiving. Every day, without fail, we met on the dock and had a time of prayer together as a team. We prayed for guidance, strength, for the people we would come in contact with, etc.  Then every night after the day was complete we would come together and thank God for all He did. There were some very powerful prayer times this week.

Monday we went to Faith Bible Church in San Mateo, a very poor area here, and joined with them in pra
ying for the youth of Belize. Pastor Palacio and his wife were great host for a couple of our ministry days. When I first met them before ministry week to plan what we would be doing my heart immediately knew they were people who we needed to keep in contact with. Their church is solely based on faith; they really have no income coming into the church, but they are trusting in God to provide for them. It is quite an amazing story.

 Later that afternoon the students did a scavenger hunt throughout San Pedro Town where they were given the chance to learn more about the people and branch out in more relationship building. For example, one of the challenges on the list was to go to the police department thank them for their service here.

Tuesday we walked around San Pedro town and blessed storeowners by offering to wash their windows. They were all shocked that we were not doing it for money, but simply to bless them. The first store my team went to the lady told us a little bit of her story and how she had been hurt by her past. I sometimes forget that everyone has a story and has been hurt at some point in his or her life. When we asked if we could wash her windows she said she just washed them but her golf cart needed cleaning. Unfortunately, we didn’t have golf cart washing materials but we did wipe it down as good as we could with what we had. She came out so surprised we even did what little we could. She was very touched and even tried paying us! We kindly turned it down and explained we just wanted to bless her.

Wednesday we helped a local church plant here by deep cleaning the movie theatre they hold church in. It was neat because the sound system was being fixed so we were able to watch Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio for a bit while we waited for instructions. I challenged everyone to speak in old English, it did not last long but it was funny while it did!

Thursday was spent handing out flyers in the schools for a family night happening for Sagebrush’s, the local church plant we helped Wednesday, official launch. There was a lot of walking, but luckily some was cut out by the generosity of one of our student’s brothers renting a golf cart and driving us to the schools until the police stopped us for having too many people in it. Apparently they don’t appreciate nine people in a six person golf cart! It was nice while it lasted though! At one point we got lost, so we decided we needed to stop and ask God for directions because we were pretty far from town and it was hot. He led to exactly where we needed to go! It was so amazing! Our students were also in charge of community meeting. I want to brag on how God is working in their lives. They have really latched on to so much freedom He has given them and they aren’t done yet!

Friday we started off at 8:00 AM walking to town to go to Holy Cross, a local primary school, to play with the kids! During the play time a snuck away to hide and we did a team building called pray and seek. The students were told they needed to pray and ask God for signs, visions, or anything needed to locate me. Although they didn’t find me they came super close and were able to really hear from God. It’s a really challenging team building, but lots of good things came from it.

Saturday was spent doing kids ministry all day! We went back to San Mateo, did a prayer walk, sang karaoke, and played with a bunch of kids!!

Overall it was an awesome week and God moved in so many ways! I am so glad I was given the opportunity to serve alongside such a great group of students and staff.

Lots of exciting things are happening here! I have taken and will take on some new roles in the upcoming months! I will tell more about those soon!
As always thank you so much for all your prayers. Please keep them coming!! Feel  free to let me know of anything  I can be joining you in prayer for as well!

Hebrews 10:39