Brittney Timberlake

Brittney Timberlake

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Palapa Time

Hey I'm so glad you stopped by to take a look at all God is doing here in San Pedro!

Well I have been back for two months now so I can say I am fully in the groove of how things work here. As mentioned in my last blog my roles for this season are ministry coordinator, blogger, and palapa person.
I want to give you a little look into what the role of palapa person looks like!

Palapas are pretty much straw roofs. It is made from dried palm tree leaves. We have a few here on base. We have our huge dining palapa, two on our dock, and one we call our snack palapa (This is the one I'm in charge of).
Here on base we offer a variety of snacks and drinks for everyone to enjoy. We work on a tab system which gets paid off every Monday at lunch. It's a really nice feature here because nothing beats a refreshing cold coke and a snickers bar on a hot day! You may be wondering, well how do they keep that thing stocked? My friends, that's where I come in. It's actually a team effort. I order the drinks from Bowen and Bowen usually once a week and they get delivered to the dock. Byron, our current grounds keeper, then takes them from the dock to back storage until the cooler needs to be refilled. Tracy, our person in charge of food ordering, hospitality, and a number of other things, orders the snacks. Right now we offer pop corn, chokis (like Chips-A-Hoy cookies) Snickers, and different Granola bars as far as snacks. In the drink department we offer Coke, Sprite, Fanta, and cold water! 
Drinks are on the honor system. Everyone on base has the code to get into the cooler whenever they get thirsty. From 5:00-5:30 PM I open it for students and guests to buy snacks, coastal passes, and dive cards. Here's some pictures to give you a better idea of everything I'm talking about!
Our drink cooler

Empty drink crates

It's a hang out spot!

Beloved snack bin!

Stocking the Palapa
It's a fun role to have because I get to spend time hanging out with everyone! 
Next blog I will be sharing more about my big role as Ministry Coordinator!! 
As always if you would like to know more about what is happening here feel free to contact me! I love talking to people and would like to hear more about what is going on in your life as well!
Have an awesome week!
